*Rachel_R*: Big Gryphon
*Rachel_R*: View from the hostel, St Petersburg
*Rachel_R*: Big Gryphon outside my hostel, gosh they like their gold leaf the Russians
*Rachel_R*: cakes!
*Rachel_R*: IMG_1345
*Rachel_R*: Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: Peacock Clock, Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: Big Throne, Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: Inside the Hermitage
*Rachel_R*: St Petersburg from Boat
*Rachel_R*: St Petersburg from Boat
*Rachel_R*: St Petersburg from Boat
*Rachel_R*: St Petersburg from Boat
*Rachel_R*: Peter the Great's Summer Palace
*Rachel_R*: St Petersburg from Boat
*Rachel_R*: Crazy Stalin building
*Rachel_R*: Church of our Saviour of the Spilled Blood, St Petersburg
*Rachel_R*: Church of our Saviour of the Spilled Blood, St Petersburg
*Rachel_R*: Church of our Saviour of the Spilled Blood, St Petersburg
*Rachel_R*: IMG_1372
*Rachel_R*: IMG_1373
*Rachel_R*: IMG_1374
*Rachel_R*: IMG_1375
*Rachel_R*: St Petersburg