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rachemicah: Day 22 of #summersplits2014 is "super soldier", a made up posture to assist with getting into deeper one leg standing splits. I was ready to go rogue and do my own splits posture instead because I was flummoxed on how to even get in this posture, but then
rachemicah: Another shot of Day 21 of the #summersplits2014 challenge with my radiant sister-in-law and her wonderful son who turned two today! #oregonsummer #pdx
rachemicah: Day 21 of #summersplits2014 is Trivikramasana, aka "three steps posture". I've never heard of this one before and this is a modification of the full version; see @kinoyoga for the full standing split version. Try new things and do your best is the name of
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rachemicah: Day 19 of #summersplits2014 is Purvattanasana, Upward Facing Plank Posture. This was my least favorite posture for many years and I'm not alone. When most people start learning the primary series sequence, they frequently "forget" to do this posture and w
rachemicah: Day 18 of the #summersplits2014 challenge is Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana. This is clearly a balancing posture that also requires some flexibility, but the real gems of this posture are the "opportunity to cultivate the bandhas" as my beloved teacher Sar
rachemicah: Day 17 of #summersplits2014 is Supta Samakonasana. You guys. I have been eagerly awaiting this posture which I believe is more of an extra curricular stretch as I can't find it anywhere in any of the Ashtanga yoga series, but please correct me if I'm wron
rachemicah: Day 16 #summersplits2014 is Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle posture). I've grown to love this one. For years, I was content to just use my elbow on my knee and sometimes my fingertips on the floor especially since this posture is at the beginn
rachemicah: Day 11 of #summersplits2014 is Straddle Handstand or Headstand. "shirshasana" is translated from Sanskrit to "headstand" in English, but it really means "head seat". This posture isn't in the primary series, but it shows up on days when my balance is good
rachemicah: Day 12 of #summersplits2014 is Anjanayasana which is the third of six consecutive new-to-me postures in this month-long challenge. I'm modifying the actual posture (I'll link the full version by Kino below) and as can be imagined, this posture is great fo
rachemicah: Day 13 of #summersplits2014 is Vrschikasana, Scorpion Handstand. I've been watching Kino and others at Eugene School of Yoga do this posture for awhile and I was excited to get a chance to try it. Remember yesterday when I said that my shoulders need to o
rachemicah: Day 14 of #summersplits2014 is Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (one footed king pigeon posture). This is the last posture of third series and the last of a six consecutive day stretch of challenging, unfamiliar postures for me. When I look at this, I think: "I c
rachemicah: Hooray for Day 15 is Virabhadrasana A (Warrior 1) as the #summersplits2014 challenge has returned to familiar posture territory! I love this posture so: first, it allows my large leg muscle groups to shine for a moment as this is one of the more strength-