rachemicah: The most comprehensive open bar I have ever seen for 16 people.
rachemicah: It keeps going...
rachemicah: ...and going.
rachemicah: The lions at the watering hole
rachemicah: Course 1 at Izumi Village
rachemicah: Course 2 (or was it course 3?) I was too hungry to take pictures after this one.
rachemicah: Last call!
rachemicah: Gretchen takes full advantage of the classic fizzy water dispenser (I'm there is a shorter name for that thing, but I can't think of it...)
rachemicah: To beginnings!
rachemicah: "The trick is to start with falsetto..."
rachemicah: This might be the Commodores "Still"
rachemicah: Taken by Matt Campbell. Nicely done!
rachemicah: I wish I could remember which song this was. It was clearly deserving of expressive arm gestures.
rachemicah: Older gentleman takes the stage!
rachemicah: Sing it, bro!
rachemicah: Classic and Mohammed Ahmed and Alex Harris Jr.
rachemicah: Matt is well-qualified to fill the position of Karaoke Administrator for summer 2012. He doesn't take the stage, but he does queue up songs that he thinks the audience will love and he sings along to everything from the couch. Also he is agreeable to fi
rachemicah: Locals belting out some tunes!
rachemicah: IEP student orientation: it's go time! (Photo by Wada-san)