rachemicah: Hayden (33) playing QB!
rachemicah: Heisman shot of Hayden
rachemicah: Post-concussion, brotherly consolation.
rachemicah: Family picture, minus Norah Pratton
rachemicah: Pre-dinner Ducks tailgate
rachemicah: Gabe, Lily, Skylar and Hayden
rachemicah: Lucky and Micah get their fetch on
rachemicah: Chez Pratton
rachemicah: Scooter time!
rachemicah: Skylar and Hayden, cooking with grandma and great grandma
rachemicah: Scooter how-to
rachemicah: Cousin love
rachemicah: Drink delivery!
rachemicah: Jerry and Skylar on the scooter
rachemicah: Turkey carving time
rachemicah: Chopsticks practice with turkey
rachemicah: Grandma practices her chopstick skills
rachemicah: Gabe practices his chopstick skills
rachemicah: Got it!
rachemicah: Hayden-chan is a fast learner!
rachemicah: O hands, held up by chopsticks
rachemicah: The kids eat pumpkin pie with chopsticks
rachemicah: Celebrating November and October birthdays
rachemicah: My uncle Jerry, standing next to the brand new Blue Mountain CC and Eastern Oregon University Higher Education Center. He was instrumental in getting this building built and as a result, there are increased opportunities for people in the region to pursu