rachemicah: Micah made the first meal in the apartment: noodles, tofu, green onion, and mushrooms in a shoyu garlic ginger broth. Two thumbs up, impromptu chef!
rachemicah: Last teary-eyed dinner together in the apartment.
rachemicah: Micah made the cuke salad and the green salad.
rachemicah: This isn't my bike, but it should be! :)
rachemicah: Japanese bike lock
rachemicah: My bike for the summer.
rachemicah: Time to go explore outside the campus.
rachemicah: Rice fields
rachemicah: 7-11 haven! I always think so lowly of 7-11 convenience stores... and now in rural Japan, I depend on them for my cash flow (until I get paid here in yen, that is!) Very ironic and funny. :)
rachemicah: A global economy indeed.