rachemicah: This is one my favorite pictures of them together. Always together, always sharing a brain, always cuddling.
rachemicah: Rawr! All of those teeth, except for his k-nines, are gone now. Poor guy with infected teeth.
rachemicah: So sweet and content. :)
rachemicah: My boys!
rachemicah: Cowboy Sim. This was taken in 2006. It blew me away to compare how he looked in this picture and how he looked today on his last day of life. In this picture, he is so full of life, almost 10 lbs. In the last year or two, he has lost a lot of weight,
rachemicah: Wink! (-;
rachemicah: One of my favorite pictures of Jeeves. It captures his mischief so well! :)
rachemicah: Jeeves sniffs the camera lens.
rachemicah: Air fighting.
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rachemicah: Snuggling in front of the fire. :)
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rachemicah: IMG_9506
rachemicah: Jeeves was not a fan of invisible bike attempts!
rachemicah: Trying to replicate the INVISIBLE BIKE cat picture from Icanhazcheeseburger.com Rest assured that Simba was lightly pitched in the air and landed on the couch. All was carefully calculated and in good fun. :)
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rachemicah: IMG_9523
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rachemicah: IMG_9529
rachemicah: Praying for his bag...