Rachel Townsend: The Last Supper
Rachel Townsend: Dinner at Corazon Maya
Rachel Townsend: Sarah, a very helpful neighbor
Rachel Townsend: Trifecta
Rachel Townsend: wonderful Pablo
Rachel Townsend: Massage Hut (San Pedro)
Rachel Townsend: Sarah on horse (San Juan)
Rachel Townsend: El hombre de justicia y paz, Baha
Rachel Townsend: Bridgett, future leader of the free world
Rachel Townsend: Ciara, in Xela, going to a freaky museum, with pickled fetus'
Rachel Townsend: We did find a spa
Rachel Townsend: Ciara and Jill
Rachel Townsend: mmmmm.........hotstone
Rachel Townsend: Mary and Lori in Frida´s
Rachel Townsend: Sarah and Chelsea in Frida´s
Rachel Townsend: IMAG0062
Rachel Townsend: School BUS RIDE
Rachel Townsend: Friends of San Juan
Rachel Townsend: pana day one