Rachel Tapley: apartment, jetlag
Rachel Tapley: sitting room
Rachel Tapley: Yeagers
Rachel Tapley: master bedroom
Rachel Tapley: kitchen
Rachel Tapley: kitchen table
Rachel Tapley: our room
Rachel Tapley: my camera does silly things
Rachel Tapley: apartment
Rachel Tapley: brioche de noël?
Rachel Tapley: Portuguese baked goods
Rachel Tapley: baked goods
Rachel Tapley: Joe in the market
Rachel Tapley: Stephan and Dad at the Portuguese stall
Rachel Tapley: litchis!
Rachel Tapley: purses, jackets, sheets
Rachel Tapley: baked goods
Rachel Tapley: fromage
Rachel Tapley: fromage
Rachel Tapley: prepared food
Rachel Tapley: prepared food?
Rachel Tapley: chicken
Rachel Tapley: fractal cabbage
Rachel Tapley: buche de noel
Rachel Tapley: Paris at night