Rachel's works: detail: Alpha and Omega, Cross and Date
Rachel's works: Paschal Candle 2012: back.
Rachel's works: Paschal Candle 2012: front.
Rachel's works: detail: Pantocrator: Lord of All
Rachel's works: Paschal Candle 2012: Front
Rachel's works: Eve in red, John the Forerunner/Baptist in green
Rachel's works: Christ drawing Eve out of the tomb.
Rachel's works: Eve in red, Sarah in blue, John the Forerunner/Baptist in green
Rachel's works: Adam in green, Abel and Cain behind. Kings David (blond haired) and Solomon (brown haired)
Rachel's works: Back of the icon.
Rachel's works: Christ drawing Adam out of the tomb.
Rachel's works: Paschal Candle 2012
Rachel's works: Paschal Candle 2012. Detail: Jesus Christ Risen
Rachel's works: Paschal Candle 2012. Detail: Face of Christ