justmakeit: Not George
justmakeit: Fritz
justmakeit: What my daughter has in her pocket
justmakeit: Ted
justmakeit: Koi
justmakeit: Dixie
justmakeit: Rufus
justmakeit: Chase
justmakeit: Lucy
justmakeit: Bart
justmakeit: Jeff
justmakeit: Rudy
justmakeit: Howie
justmakeit: What's better than a cute boyfriend who adores you? A cute boyfriend who adores you and has a golden retriever puppy.
justmakeit: Eye to eye
justmakeit: Love me, love my dog
justmakeit: Pensive 1
justmakeit: Flamingo Formation
justmakeit: Say ah
justmakeit: Bite Me
justmakeit: These are neither English nor American pigeons
justmakeit: Ladybug rhumba
justmakeit: Interrogation
justmakeit: Beady eye and opposable thumb
justmakeit: Yes, but it's an *English* duck
justmakeit: 2 girls - 2 clicks - 2 bugs
justmakeit: Early morning cows on the disc golf course
justmakeit: Cows down the line
justmakeit: Not my cow
justmakeit: Cow netherparts flare