justmakeit: Software
justmakeit: Tink is knit spelled backwards
justmakeit: Hot off the needles
justmakeit: Green scarf that looks kind of like bargello
justmakeit: Tangled
justmakeit: Glove and gnome
justmakeit: Happy birthday, Sylvia
justmakeit: Yarn Puppies
justmakeit: Which came first?
justmakeit: At the cleaners
justmakeit: Fence at the Fold
justmakeit: Stacked
justmakeit: Needlegleam
justmakeit: Bench Monday: Fair Isle edition
justmakeit: Magenta haze
justmakeit: magenta
justmakeit: Fresh from the Fold
justmakeit: The difference between need and want
justmakeit: 365/348 Misti Alpaca Brioche Rib Scarf
justmakeit: 365/242 Wendy's needles
justmakeit: 365/112 The yarn I dyed
justmakeit: 365/83 The tricotin at work
justmakeit: 365/82 Diving right in
justmakeit: Fruit of a spontaneous field trip
justmakeit: 365/65 Knitting at a snail's pace
justmakeit: 365/27 Sock Tragedies
justmakeit: 365/26
justmakeit: Yarn store
justmakeit: Yarn store
justmakeit: Yarn store