rachelmoon: oakwood
rachelmoon: funky facial hair
rachelmoon: altoid despenser
rachelmoon: genii at a bar
rachelmoon: $1600 turtle
rachelmoon: big fish!
rachelmoon: friendly greenthings
rachelmoon: thai menu
rachelmoon: stairs at the sanfran apple store
rachelmoon: studio at apple
rachelmoon: more of the bar
rachelmoon: genius bar, sanfran
rachelmoon: ipod mixing table
rachelmoon: apple store sanfran
rachelmoon: pitchin' dude
rachelmoon: the guys
rachelmoon: crab!
rachelmoon: pirate!
rachelmoon: big 8
rachelmoon: what's with me and feet?
rachelmoon: waitin' on the bus
rachelmoon: apple store san francisco
rachelmoon: big apple
rachelmoon: neat lamp
rachelmoon: thingiemabob
rachelmoon: whackado