Rachelle ♥♥♥: anyway the wind blows
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Florida Sandhill Crane
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Sandhill Crane
Rachelle ♥♥♥: sometimes i pretend to be normal, but it gets boring, so i go back to being me
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Sandhill cranes have one of the longest fossil histories of any extant bird~
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Sandhill Crane
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Little Blue Heron
Rachelle ♥♥♥: posing peacock 75/365
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Little Greenie 74/365
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Blue Cypress Lake
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Blue Cypress Lake
Rachelle ♥♥♥: caught red handed
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Snowy with catch
Rachelle ♥♥♥: TriColor watching the sun rise beautiful golden light
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Happy Mothers Day
Rachelle ♥♥♥: ~Green Cay Sunrise~
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Reddish Egret (Egretta refescens)
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)
Rachelle ♥♥♥: roseate spoonbill
Rachelle ♥♥♥: ~natures gift wrapped in pink~
Rachelle ♥♥♥: A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
Rachelle ♥♥♥: sitting for me @ LOX
Rachelle ♥♥♥: ~Great Crested Flycatcher~
Rachelle ♥♥♥: *dedicated to Dave*
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Pileated Woodpecker, Male (red whisker)
Rachelle ♥♥♥: Great Blue Heron, with nesting materials