RachelB3: back deck snow cam
RachelB3: tree
RachelB3: Monday morning - still snowing
RachelB3: skidmore
RachelB3: venturing out
RachelB3: interstate ave
RachelB3: the sidewalk
RachelB3: robins a bit too early
RachelB3: snow play
RachelB3: our crabapples are keeping an ecosystem alive this week
RachelB3: raccoon action 1
RachelB3: raccoon action 2
RachelB3: snowy coat
RachelB3: look deep into my eyes
RachelB3: exploring
RachelB3: blustery snow in portland - live video!
RachelB3: our street before the snow starts again - sat am
RachelB3: old speckled dog
RachelB3: snow dog part 2
RachelB3: making a lane for the dog
RachelB3: 7 AM Sunday
RachelB3: 8AM - icy limbs
RachelB3: looking west
RachelB3: crabapples
RachelB3: looking east
RachelB3: branches