Rachel Ford James: Goat Clearing Stickerbushes
Rachel Ford James: Working Baby Goat
Rachel Ford James: Goats at Work Clearing the Meadow
Rachel Ford James: Halfway Between Tadpole and Frog
Rachel Ford James: Erythemis simplicicollis - Male Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly
Rachel Ford James: Libellula luctuosa - Widow Skimmer Dragonfly
Rachel Ford James: Frog Beside the Pond
Rachel Ford James: Frog Eyes
Rachel Ford James: Alert Frog
Rachel Ford James: Frog on a Log in a Green Pond
Rachel Ford James: Frog on a Perch in the Pond
Rachel Ford James: Big Tadpoles Under Water
Rachel Ford James: Frog Underwater
Rachel Ford James: Frog at the Edge of the Pond
Rachel Ford James: Nearly Metamorphosed Frog
Rachel Ford James: Frog on a Log
Rachel Ford James: Big Bullfrog in the Pond
Rachel Ford James: Bird in the Forest
Rachel Ford James: Libellula luctuosa - Widow Skimmer Dragonfly
Rachel Ford James: Monotropa uniflora - Ghost Plant in the Forest
Rachel Ford James: Red Nasturium Flowers