Rachel Ford James: Mounds of Helleborus foetidus in the Golden Gate Botanical Garden
Rachel Ford James: Bright Pink Daisies Beside Dark Leathery Echeveria
Rachel Ford James: Funny Little Squirrel Hoping for a Snack
Rachel Ford James: Forest Garden Tapestry
Rachel Ford James: Graceful Pink Camellia japonica in Bright Sun
Rachel Ford James: Magnolia 'Darjeeling'
Rachel Ford James: Huge Pink Magnolia Above the Path
Rachel Ford James: Delicate Pink Magnolia Beside Blue Spruce
Rachel Ford James: Orange Flowering Mahonia
Rachel Ford James: Orange Mahonia
Rachel Ford James: Ducks Enjoying an Algae Snack
Rachel Ford James: Pale Yellow Mahonia
Rachel Ford James: Widely Branching Aesculus californica
Rachel Ford James: Little Blue Iris
Rachel Ford James: Leucadendron argenteum Trunk
Rachel Ford James: Leucadendron argenteum Shining in the Sun
Rachel Ford James: Tall White Magnolia Tree Leaning over the Path
Rachel Ford James: Dark Pink Camellia Blossoms in Front of Huge White Magnolia Tree
Rachel Ford James: Fading Red Camellia Blossoms
Rachel Ford James: Exotic Fuchsia Blossoms
Rachel Ford James: Curtain-Like Branches or Roots Hanging from a Tree
Rachel Ford James: Hanging Tree Branches
Rachel Ford James: Little Turtle Sunning Himself on a Rock
Rachel Ford James: Moon Behind a Cyprus Tree
Rachel Ford James: Gull in a Pond
Rachel Ford James: Graceful Mallard in a Reflective Pond
Rachel Ford James: Cute Little Groundhog Poking out of the Ground
Rachel Ford James: Dirty Little Groundhog Nose
Rachel Ford James: Groundhog Hanging out in the Hole He Built
Rachel Ford James: Delicate Green Ferns Fronds