Rachel EMF: Wheelbarrow plants, Kew Gardens...
Rachel EMF: IMG_4802
Rachel EMF: Anthurium (aka tailflower, flamingo flower, or laceleaf)
Rachel EMF: Amorphophallus titanum, Palm House Kew gardens
Rachel EMF: Lily pond, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Lily pads
Rachel EMF: The Hive, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: The Hive, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: The Hive, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: The Hive, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: The Hive, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: The Hive, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: The Hive, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Staircase, Palm House, Kew gardens
Rachel EMF: Palm House, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Palm House, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Palm House staircase, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Palm House, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Cardoon head, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Staircase, Palm House, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Palm House, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: A palm in the Palm House, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Palm House, Kew Gardens
Rachel EMF: Palm House, Kew Gardens