Rachel Anne Cronin: Lilies sketchook page
Rachel Anne Cronin: Lilies sketchbook page
Rachel Anne Cronin: Double page sketchbook spread
Rachel Anne Cronin: lino print
Rachel Anne Cronin: Lino print 2
Rachel Anne Cronin: Monoprint, woodland scene
Rachel Anne Cronin: Lino with gold leaf
Rachel Anne Cronin: Lino with gold leaf and watercolour
Rachel Anne Cronin: Sketchbook pages
Rachel Anne Cronin: Sketchbook pages
Rachel Anne Cronin: Sketchbook pages
Rachel Anne Cronin: Sketchbook page with image transfer
Rachel Anne Cronin: Sketchbooks pages
Rachel Anne Cronin: Fennel seed heads in acrylic paint
Rachel Anne Cronin: Mixed Media and Stitch
Rachel Anne Cronin: Sketchbooks pages- woodland scene
Rachel Anne Cronin: Sketchbook pages- pencil sketch
Rachel Anne Cronin: Sketchbook pages- pencil sketch
Rachel Anne Cronin: Pencil outline- doors and windows
Rachel Anne Cronin: Pencil outline- windows and doors
Rachel Anne Cronin: Pencil outline- windows and doors
Rachel Anne Cronin: Tonal landscape
Rachel Anne Cronin: Tonal Landscape
Rachel Anne Cronin: Tonal Landscape
Rachel Anne Cronin: Tonal landscape
Rachel Anne Cronin: Tonal landscape
Rachel Anne Cronin: Watercolour graphite pencil tonal studies
Rachel Anne Cronin: Wood cut in progess
Rachel Anne Cronin: woodland monoprint
Rachel Anne Cronin: Raven monoprint