Rachelalphonse: w/ my Rolly~^^
Rachelalphonse: 光影圍繞
Rachelalphonse: Kentmere 400-1000-078
Rachelalphonse: Kodak P3200Tmax-174
Rachelalphonse: new haircut
Rachelalphonse: 神氣的狗
Rachelalphonse: 步步高升
Rachelalphonse: Kodak Tmax100-217
Rachelalphonse: my very first developed films
Rachelalphonse: "Throw the ball, please~"
Rachelalphonse: all the way down
Rachelalphonse: round down
Rachelalphonse: Fuji Neopan-151
Rachelalphonse: Swing- part I
Rachelalphonse: kodak Trix-318
Rachelalphonse: City Hall from a distance
Rachelalphonse: Me, and my beloved M3
Rachelalphonse: Kodak E100VS-007
Rachelalphonse: Fuji Neopan176
Rachelalphonse: up side down on the sofa- part I
Rachelalphonse: "what are you shooting at, chica?"
Rachelalphonse: breathe the light
Rachelalphonse: old man and the sea plus his dinner-part I
Rachelalphonse: where the night goes
Rachelalphonse: The Tunnel of Silence