nutmeg66: Phoebe
nutmeg66: Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
nutmeg66: Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
nutmeg66: Little grebe takes a battering in the wind
nutmeg66: Goldcrest with raised crest
nutmeg66: Rainy window on a dark day
nutmeg66: Ladybird pair
nutmeg66: Grey heron
nutmeg66: Happy Birthday!
nutmeg66: Prunus blossom
nutmeg66: Nine Men's Morris
nutmeg66: Duck off!
nutmeg66: Grate stuff
nutmeg66: Inbound
nutmeg66: Dunnock (Prunella modularis)
nutmeg66: Light waves
nutmeg66: Rimac on a blustery day
nutmeg66: Lancaster bomber
nutmeg66: Easter snow
nutmeg66: Siskin (Carduelis spinus)
nutmeg66: Moss
nutmeg66: Phoebe
nutmeg66: Moss
nutmeg66: Rainy trees (aka bugger all to photograph in the rubbish weather)
nutmeg66: Lincolnshire Poacher Cheese
nutmeg66: Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
nutmeg66: Ladybird red-green-blue
nutmeg66: Down the garden
nutmeg66: 2-spot ladybird on birch catkins
nutmeg66: Teasel