marichica88: Jeff feels the fake grass
marichica88: the inn where the wedding was
marichica88: pretty
marichica88: Jeff smells a flower
marichica88: dashing
marichica88: Carla contemplates flowers
marichica88: flower toast
marichica88: Stan
marichica88: Stan flower eyes
marichica88: Carla flower eyes
marichica88: Carla cupcake eyes
marichica88: Stan cupcake eyes
marichica88: Stan cupcake eyes
marichica88: kids at the wedding
marichica88: downtown Fredericksburg
marichica88: rainbow
marichica88: Hyperion
marichica88: courtyard at the Courtyard Marriott
marichica88: downtown Fredericksburg
marichica88: Jeff in our fancy room
marichica88: Stan looks over his speech
marichica88: Carla
marichica88: cake
marichica88: Dobbin
marichica88: table with paper cupcakes
marichica88: Greg and Steph getting married
marichica88: Dobbin bearing the rings
marichica88: tea ceremony