marichica88: Carriage Horse
marichica88: Carriage Horses
marichica88: fall carriage
marichica88: Broodmare
marichica88: In the Stable
marichica88: In the Stable (b&w version)
marichica88: model citizen
marichica88: the western persuasion
marichica88: a jumper, all ready
marichica88: old friendly face
marichica88: looking into the past
marichica88: Przewalski horse 2
marichica88: Przewalski's horse
marichica88: a look back
marichica88: mini B+W
marichica88: models
marichica88: closet
marichica88: Esprit
marichica88: Esprit nose
marichica88: Tiny
marichica88: The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire.
marichica88: hello
marichica88: A horse is worth more than riches.