Rachel-B: erin & shawn
Rachel-B: not a zombie.
Rachel-B: shawn finds a stick
Rachel-B: and above all else, don't drop your camera
Rachel-B: jump. jump. JUMP!
Rachel-B: ballet wanna-bes
Rachel-B: group levitation
Rachel-B: haz peeps, iz happy
Rachel-B: friends = teh awesome!
Rachel-B: obligitory
Rachel-B: the gang on the roof
Rachel-B: see, i take pictures of your side of the table, too!
Rachel-B: shawn & erin
Rachel-B: tilty head erin
Rachel-B: viewfinder
Rachel-B: sad shawn is sad
Rachel-B: drumming fool
Rachel-B: erin (feat. shawn on drums)
Rachel-B: pizza maker
Rachel-B: Losing tears
Rachel-B: Typical meal
Rachel-B: Post-race foods!
Rachel-B: Shawn calls this bench warm and weird and moist. :)
Rachel-B: Yeah @primadonnaband!
Rachel-B: Last
Rachel-B: Walking back to the bus
Rachel-B: Election Night!
Rachel-B: Winning all the races! :D #running #seahawks #12k @xlungex @slightlynorth
Rachel-B: Shop-watching. #slabtown @lunge @slightlynorth