Rachel-B: On the river ride
Rachel-B: On the river ride
Rachel-B: Justin
Rachel-B: Justin
Rachel-B: Justin
Rachel-B: me with my nieces and nephew
Rachel-B: The Barsness Clan
Rachel-B: Grandma, Grandpa, and all the grandkids
Rachel-B: 1 boy, 9 girls
Rachel-B: kisses! ew!
Rachel-B: Justin is suitably horrified
Rachel-B: The Barsness kids
Rachel-B: The Barsness kids + Barsness grandparents
Rachel-B: The Barsness family
Rachel-B: The Arnold girls
Rachel-B: The Arnold Family
Rachel-B: Justin
Rachel-B: Justin
Rachel-B: This is why there is no need for me to add any kids to this family. #10grandkids #arereallyloud
Rachel-B: Family Christmas Skype time!
Rachel-B: Morgan & Justin
Rachel-B: The nieces & nephew
Rachel-B: Morgan teaches her go-to pose to her cousins
Rachel-B: Barsness kids, being funny
Rachel-B: Barsnesses
Rachel-B: Justin
Rachel-B: Justin
Rachel-B: Jen & kids
Rachel-B: rockin'
Rachel-B: chessy grin