Rachel-B: With nieces #1 & #8, Lauren & Jessica
Rachel-B: Lauren
Rachel-B: me with my nieces and nephew
Rachel-B: The Barsness Clan
Rachel-B: Grandma, Grandpa, and all the grandkids
Rachel-B: 1 boy, 9 girls
Rachel-B: The Hanford Family
Rachel-B: The Hanford girls + Barsness grandparents
Rachel-B: The Hanford girls
Rachel-B: The Arnold girls
Rachel-B: The Arnold Family
Rachel-B: This is why there is no need for me to add any kids to this family. #10grandkids #arereallyloud
Rachel-B: Happy 16th Birthday to my oldest niece, Lauren! You are now the same age I was when you were born! :)
Rachel-B: Lauren
Rachel-B: Lauren
Rachel-B: Lauren
Rachel-B: Lauren
Rachel-B: Lauren and her team
Rachel-B: Lauren
Rachel-B: Lauren
Rachel-B: Lauren
Rachel-B: Lauren & Me
Rachel-B: Janae and Lauren
Rachel-B: Lauren at bat
Rachel-B: Lauren heads for home
Rachel-B: Lauren runs to first
Rachel-B: Ready to swing
Rachel-B: Lauren swings big
Rachel-B: Ella & Lauren