Rachel-B: legs
Rachel-B: pages
Rachel-B: sparkly
Rachel-B: the hard work
Rachel-B: sideways
Rachel-B: arctic
Rachel-B: halfway
Rachel-B: everyday
Rachel-B: ready
Rachel-B: veiled
Rachel-B: deceptive
Rachel-B: lit up
Rachel-B: and you've got me turned around
Rachel-B: you tryin' to get us in trouble?
Rachel-B: i'll be anything you ask
Rachel-B: inside my mind
Rachel-B: lock me away and throw away the key
Rachel-B: 354: gravity
Rachel-B: 352: sliver
Rachel-B: 351: when I am most completely me
Rachel-B: in the basement
Rachel-B: with the awesome tara!! :D
Rachel-B: 331: katie bokeh
Rachel-B: 327: obscured
Rachel-B: 317: best faces ever
Rachel-B: you can only try
Rachel-B: 310: you can't see the light is green
Rachel-B: 305: enthralled