RachaelMc: HBW Jasmine
RachaelMc: Sheer pleasure
RachaelMc: Soft sweet jasmine
RachaelMc: Love and happiness in the garden
RachaelMc: A scent of jasmine for you all
RachaelMc: HBW Jasmine in the wind and rain
RachaelMc: Jasmine in the rain
RachaelMc: So much beauty
RachaelMc: Jasmines, night jasmines, perfect of perfume, Heavy with dew before the dawn of day!
RachaelMc: I saw your face in a crowded place
RachaelMc: HBW White Yellow and Green
RachaelMc: I have loved the sunlight, the sky and the green earth
RachaelMc: And back to the jasmine
RachaelMc: I was searching, you were on a mission
RachaelMc: The first sighting of jasmine
RachaelMc: Jasmine
RachaelMc: Jasmine
RachaelMc: She wants to believe for a while in all the things you say