RachaelMc: A Pretty Pink Geranium
RachaelMc: Another shot of the geranium
RachaelMc: HBW Gorgeousness!
RachaelMc: Oh Reckless Abandon
RachaelMc: Like no one's watching you
RachaelMc: It's time to trust my instincts
RachaelMc: Close my eyes and leap...
RachaelMc: It's time to try defying gravity
RachaelMc: I think I'll try defying gravity
RachaelMc: And you can't pull me down
RachaelMc: Can't I make you understand?
RachaelMc: You're having delusions of grandeur
RachaelMc: Saturday colour just for you
RachaelMc: They won‘t stop breaking us down
RachaelMc: Always someone marches brave
RachaelMc: Do you mind
RachaelMc: It's a song I've sung before
RachaelMc: And a song I'm gonna sing again
RachaelMc: I mean every word
RachaelMc: HBW Geranium
RachaelMc: I make it alone when love is gone
RachaelMc: Still you made your mark here in my heart
RachaelMc: Sometimes you find a gem
RachaelMc: Beauty in a town square
RachaelMc: HBW Beautiful
RachaelMc: And the heart must pause to breathe
RachaelMc: Pink
RachaelMc: Pink beauty