Rabyed: Oz bonding with Great-Gramps
Rabyed: Sea Ranch
Rabyed: DSCN0023
Rabyed: Jeff and Oz overlooking the Pacific
Rabyed: Adventure Baby!
Rabyed: DSCN0032
Rabyed: Broccoli
Rabyed: Carrot
Rabyed: Kisses from Great-Grandma
Rabyed: Catching up with Great-Grandma
Rabyed: With Great-Grandpa
Rabyed: Veggies from Alice's garden
Rabyed: In the Robertis' garden
Rabyed: Alice and Jeff in the garden in Petaluma
Rabyed: Photography
Rabyed: Blurry Ross, blurry whiskey
Rabyed: First time on Papa's shoulders
Rabyed: Monica and Ari getting ready for the wedding
Rabyed: Jeff headed to Lindsey & Alex's wedding
Rabyed: Oz wore his best overalls to Lindsey & Alex's wedding
Rabyed: In Jesse's apartment
Rabyed: Wake up, Papa!
Rabyed: Cucumber
Rabyed: Apple
Rabyed: IMG_1171
Rabyed: IMG_1170
Rabyed: IMG_1172
Rabyed: IMG_1173
Rabyed: IMG_1174
Rabyed: Flowers in a botanical garden near Lake Merrit in Oakland