rabinal: Iran Air (conditioner)
rabinal: "This is SO Mumbai"
rabinal: Hope Street notice
rabinal: Mumbai traffic advice
rabinal: kite flying
rabinal: hazy Mumbai sunset
rabinal: Mumbai antennas
rabinal: evening constitutional
rabinal: "Flying the flag" at sea
rabinal: "The Indian Navy"
rabinal: Tourist transport, Mumbai
rabinal: not manual labour in Bombay
rabinal: banyan tree, Mumbai
rabinal: Bombay marathon notice
rabinal: the Gateway of India
rabinal: on Elephanta Island, Mumbai
rabinal: monk and stolen carton
rabinal: Buddhist on Elephanta Island
rabinal: inconvenience regretted
rabinal: family group, Mumbai
rabinal: Brunel at Elephanta
rabinal: beware of the monkey's what?
rabinal: Dacoity warning
rabinal: convenience provided
rabinal: "wha'ddya think's in here, then?"
rabinal: Brunel bag at Mumbai
rabinal: tuctuc and motor bike
rabinal: overhead wires, vodafone wireless
rabinal: people picture, Mumbai
rabinal: market stall, Mumbai