FlickrJunkie: Take me to your leader, Mr. Crab said!
FlickrJunkie: Crabolina sposa me!
FlickrJunkie: One small step for a man
FlickrJunkie: When the crabs invaded earth
FlickrJunkie: Grrrr.... I need a haircut...
FlickrJunkie: Mr. Spider: The dark side of the web
FlickrJunkie: Mr. Spider says: Everybody loves the web, nobody loves me!
FlickrJunkie: email from the world wide web
FlickrJunkie: the cat in the fort.
FlickrJunkie: grrrrrrRooomeeeeooo
FlickrJunkie: pink ears rrrrrooooomeeeeeawwww
FlickrJunkie: being Romeo
FlickrJunkie: don know what happened, the bird got meee!
FlickrJunkie: But but but, I donnn wanna go to the vet!
FlickrJunkie: helo helew
FlickrJunkie: sucks to be an urban accessory
FlickrJunkie: sucks to be a little bird
FlickrJunkie: sunbath parking at high noon
FlickrJunkie: leaving
FlickrJunkie: birds [- bees]
FlickrJunkie: long legs
FlickrJunkie: Alice in wonderland
FlickrJunkie: Dove in nest she made out of iron thread