rabidscottsman: tigers closeup
rabidscottsman: tiger playing dead
rabidscottsman: tiger and belle
rabidscottsman: tiger taking up a lot of space on the floor
rabidscottsman: my neurotic cat
rabidscottsman: Belle loves the heat duct
rabidscottsman: Watch out Belle
rabidscottsman: tiger chillin out
rabidscottsman: tiger had to make his presence known
rabidscottsman: Belles Closeup
rabidscottsman: Tiger Wants some Crab
rabidscottsman: looks like tiger had a rough night!
rabidscottsman: I didnt do it
rabidscottsman: Belle found a new hiding spot
rabidscottsman: Tiger Can Always Find the Camera
rabidscottsman: Tiger Checking Out The New Camera
rabidscottsman: Belle In her favorite spot
rabidscottsman: Buffy and Tiger
rabidscottsman: Belle thinks she's hiding
rabidscottsman: Belle Loves The Smoked Pig Ear
rabidscottsman: Dinner is served
rabidscottsman: The Morning Ritual
rabidscottsman: Tiger on the recliner
rabidscottsman: Tiger wants Seafood
rabidscottsman: We have to keep an eye on Tiger
rabidscottsman: My Sleeping Cat
rabidscottsman: We Did Not Have an Earthquake