rabble.ca: Mike Layton
rabble.ca: Laszlo Barna, JACK Executive Producer and President of Pier 21 Films
rabble.ca: Jack
rabble.ca: Sarah Layton, Carol Layton, and David Layton
rabble.ca: Jack, the film. Advance screening reception
rabble.ca: Premiere reception
rabble.ca: Iconic moment from the 2011 election reproduced in the film
rabble.ca: Karl Belanger, and Joel Keller, who portrays Belanger onscreen (second from right)
rabble.ca: Olivia Chow busy with interviews
rabble.ca: The real Anne McGrath with Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Howarth
rabble.ca: Cast and real life characters at the Q&A
rabble.ca: Wendy Crewson, who portrays Anne McGrath, with the real Brian Topp