rabble: Camilo trying to eat a big asian pear
rabble: Camilo eating an asian pear
rabble: Changing camilo on highway 299
rabble: Changing camilo on highway 299
rabble: Playing with camilo at grandmas
rabble: What's that!?
rabble: Grandma and camilo
rabble: Grandma and camilo
rabble: camilo y evan en la casa de colby st
rabble: Playing with the Bombero hat
rabble: Playing with the Bombero hat
rabble: Playing with the Bombero hat
rabble: Playing with the Bombero hat
rabble: Playing with the Bombero hat
rabble: Playing with the Bombero hat
rabble: Playing with moma's water bottle
rabble: Playing with moma's water bottle
rabble: Playing with moma's water bottle
rabble: Playing with moma's water bottle
rabble: Playing with moma's water bottle
rabble: What's this food stuff?!
rabble: Hands on eating
rabble: Camilo's First Meal
rabble: Camilo's First Meal
rabble: In jessa's blanket
rabble: All bundled up
rabble: PICT7633.JPG
rabble: PICT7632.JPG
rabble: PICT7629.JPG
rabble: PICT7628.JPG