Raamo: Downstairs at the Andaz
Raamo: Fish in the Bathroom
Raamo: So many Bikes in Amsterdam
Raamo: Delft Netherlands Bike Garage at the Trainstation.
Raamo: Pulpit that predates Protestant Reformation
Raamo: Royal Delft!
Raamo: Model Ship at Rijksmuseum
Raamo: Cool room
Raamo: Rijksmuseum - belong to Sri Lanka
Raamo: Napoleon's Wife Harpsichord
Raamo: Netherlands are known for this
Raamo: This is a Virginal
Raamo: Piano that bows the strings
Raamo: 2 Keyboards, one reversed.
Raamo: Brussels Town Hall
Raamo: Oldest surviving printing presses
Raamo: in 1581 they colored books by hand.
Raamo: Treasure room
Raamo: Suite at the Wellem
Raamo: Shooter's parade
Raamo: Park Hyatt Paris
Raamo: Complex shield
Raamo: Charles de Gaulle medals
Raamo: Ceiling in the necropolis
Raamo: Tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte
Raamo: Ancient model
Raamo: So many cannons
Raamo: Fresh paint
Raamo: Gardens of Versailles
Raamo: Dionysus Fountain