Raamo: _DSC8788.jpg
Raamo: _DSC8805.jpg
Raamo: _DSC8801.jpg
Raamo: _DSC8791.jpg
Raamo: Angel under a spruce tree.
Raamo: Alex's First Studio Shot
Raamo: A rare picture of Willow
Raamo: Alex enjoying the fall weather
Raamo: Angel enjoying the sunlight
Raamo: Alex's arch-enemy
Raamo: It's spring! Time to eat grass.
Raamo: Angel up on high.
Raamo: Alex can't resist string...
Raamo: Angel's not in the house.
Raamo: Willow acting abnormal...
Raamo: Alex investigates the grass.
Raamo: DSC_1410.jpg
Raamo: Stalking Angel
Raamo: I give up, go ahead and take my picture...
Raamo: Bat ears ready, Glow eyes on...
Raamo: Go away!
Raamo: Angel Closeup
Raamo: Winking Angel
Raamo: Squinting Angel
Raamo: Let's kiss
Raamo: Must you do that?!
Raamo: Get me out of here!
Raamo: Silly Alex in her harness
Raamo: Electric Alex
Raamo: Angel napping