R_Jazzy: Jimmy and Oil Slick
R_Jazzy: Oil Slick
R_Jazzy: Behold me, human
R_Jazzy: Omg, it's a cave!
R_Jazzy: Are you my new brother?
R_Jazzy: Flowers
R_Jazzy: Grimlock vs night lamp
R_Jazzy: Guitar babysitter
R_Jazzy: Need Home..
R_Jazzy: Blue and Red
R_Jazzy: Singing to you
R_Jazzy: WHYYYYYYY!!!???
R_Jazzy: Double WHY
R_Jazzy: Scorpy likes you
R_Jazzy: Scorponok
R_Jazzy: My little pony
R_Jazzy: Wassup lil' bro?
R_Jazzy: Flower lover
R_Jazzy: Don't mess with her_00
R_Jazzy: Don't mess with her_01
R_Jazzy: Lovers_00
R_Jazzy: Lovers_01
R_Jazzy: Starscream (close up)
R_Jazzy: Thrust (close up)
R_Jazzy: Snow time
R_Jazzy: Meet your.. cousin
R_Jazzy: The hunter
R_Jazzy: RTS Starscream
R_Jazzy: You want some?
R_Jazzy: Bad cop, good cop