jason.bennion: Our Rick Steves tour group in front of Stephansdom (St Stephen's Cathedral), Vienna
jason.bennion: Anne and the rest of the group heading down into the Vienna metro
jason.bennion: Metro station, Vienna
jason.bennion: Majolica House (1898)
jason.bennion: Light and sculpture
jason.bennion: 007's barber, I assume...
jason.bennion: The Third Man Museum
jason.bennion: Gerhard explains how his hobby grew to become an entire museum
jason.bennion: Incredible collection!
jason.bennion: Our group getting ready to see a clip from The Third Man
jason.bennion: Projectionist geekery
jason.bennion: The projector head
jason.bennion: The actual zither used to record The Third Man's famous theme song.
jason.bennion: Me, trying to make Orson see reason.
jason.bennion: An extraordinary moment during our tour
jason.bennion: Vienna residence
jason.bennion: Anne shopping for souvenirs at the Naschmarkt
jason.bennion: Naschmarkt mural
jason.bennion: The Vienna Naschmarkt
jason.bennion: "Choc Me, Amadeus"
jason.bennion: Another view of the Naschmarkt
jason.bennion: Brunch, anyone?
jason.bennion: The Secession Building
jason.bennion: Monument to the poet and writer Friedrich Schiller
jason.bennion: Lori and the boys
jason.bennion: In the entryway of the Kunsthistorisches Musuem
jason.bennion: “Theseus Defeats the Centaur” (1805-19) by Antonio Canova
jason.bennion: Gerhard, a trained art historian, was our guide through the Kunsthistorisches as well
jason.bennion: "Apotheosis of the Renaissance" (1888) by Mihály von Munkácsy
jason.bennion: The cafe inside the Kunsthistorisches