jason.bennion: Stephansdom (St. Stephen's Cathedral), Vienna
jason.bennion: Gothic detail
jason.bennion: The Graben shopping street, Vienna
jason.bennion: The Pestsaule, or plague column, commemorating the end of the Great Plague of 1679
jason.bennion: Detail on the Pestsaule: the Emperor Leopold I praying for deliverance
jason.bennion: Peterskirche
jason.bennion: A confectioner doing his thing at Demel Cafe
jason.bennion: Demel Cafe, Vienna
jason.bennion: The Hofburg, the former imperial palace
jason.bennion: Hofburg dome
jason.bennion: She looks like she's breaking up an argument
jason.bennion: I like this guy.
jason.bennion: Hofburg roofline
jason.bennion: Our tour group touring
jason.bennion: Free Willie!
jason.bennion: The Daily Planet? In Vienna?!
jason.bennion: Vienna after dark!
jason.bennion: The backside of the Vienna Opera House
jason.bennion: Hot dog stands are a common sight
jason.bennion: A popular cafe near our hotel
jason.bennion: Evening crowd on the Stephansplatz
jason.bennion: "Hey, we know you!"
jason.bennion: Anne on Karntner Strasse
jason.bennion: Buskers on Karntner Strasse
jason.bennion: Window display at Swarovski
jason.bennion: We found it! The Haus Der Musik museum
jason.bennion: Reading glasses and personal effects of Johannes Brahms at the Haus Der Musik
jason.bennion: Big drum at the Haus Der Musik
jason.bennion: Anne conducts a virtual orchestra at the Haus Der Musik