jason.bennion: Transdimensional portal in the woods.
jason.bennion: Anne surveying her realm.
jason.bennion: Wooden pipe
jason.bennion: Anne: "This salt mine tour better be worth the hike up here!"
jason.bennion: Most of our Rick Steves tour group turned up for the salt mine tour!
jason.bennion: Anne and me and some dinosaurs
jason.bennion: Heigh-ho, heigh-ho...
jason.bennion: Into the salt mine...
jason.bennion: The tunnel texture changed every few hundred yards.
jason.bennion: Getting ready to slide down to the next level.
jason.bennion: John and Laura from our tour group, getting ready to slide.
jason.bennion: Aaron and Sarah coming down the slide
jason.bennion: Hanging out in the salt mine
jason.bennion: Underground lecture hall
jason.bennion: The natural texture of the walls
jason.bennion: Mine gallery
jason.bennion: Looks like a scene from Close Encounters
jason.bennion: An underground lake
jason.bennion: Images projected on the walls tell the ancient history of the mine
jason.bennion: The oldest staircase in Europe
jason.bennion: Heading for the train that will take us out
jason.bennion: The train begins it's long haul to the exit
jason.bennion: Warp speed!
jason.bennion: Daylight again!
jason.bennion: Now we have to get back down the mountain.
jason.bennion: Damn, that thing is steep!
jason.bennion: Funicular car
jason.bennion: Finicular tracks with the section where the cars pass
jason.bennion: Funicular tracks from the bottom