jason.bennion: Los Angeles, 2001
jason.bennion: Roman ruins in Trier, Germany, 2003
jason.bennion: Trier, Germany, 2003
jason.bennion: Me and Robert, 2015
jason.bennion: Kitty, 1971
jason.bennion: New Year's Eve, 1973, Grandma June's house
jason.bennion: With our dogs Casey and Fraulein, 1974. I'm about five years old here.
jason.bennion: With my dogs Pepper and Casey, 1976
jason.bennion: Family portrait, Christmas 1977
jason.bennion: Look at the little smoothie!
jason.bennion: Young Hef in an early version of the grotto.
jason.bennion: Boyscout, 1979
jason.bennion: Halloween 1979
jason.bennion: Dad and me, 1980
jason.bennion: Small-town parade, 1980
jason.bennion: 11th birthday, 1980
jason.bennion: With mom and kittens, summer 1981
jason.bennion: 13th birthday, 1982
jason.bennion: Riding horses, fall 1982
jason.bennion: Portrait of the artist as a young man, with dogs, 1983
jason.bennion: Me with puppy, early '80s.
jason.bennion: Riding horses with my cousins sometime in the early '80s.
jason.bennion: My friend Cheno's 18th birthday
jason.bennion: World Trade Center, 1996
jason.bennion: Me and Shadow, 1999
jason.bennion: Vegas showgirls, 2002
jason.bennion: Ruth's Diner, 2008
jason.bennion: San-Francisco, 2008
jason.bennion: Golden Gate Bridge, 2008
jason.bennion: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, 2008