jason.bennion: Anne's ready to go to Comic Con!
jason.bennion: Anne and me heading out to Comic Con.
jason.bennion: NIcholas Brendan Q&A
jason.bennion: Nicholas Brendan Q&A
jason.bennion: Nicholas Brendan does the Snoopy dance during his Q&A.
jason.bennion: Me and Dirk Benedict
jason.bennion: Father and son cosplayers.
jason.bennion: Talking shop.
jason.bennion: Boba and his prize.
jason.bennion: Freeze, you rebel scum!
jason.bennion: He really is ruggedly handsome, isn't he?
jason.bennion: "What did you say?"
jason.bennion: Anne with Ghost Rider.
jason.bennion: Best costume I saw at the con!
jason.bennion: "Return of the Jedi" family cosplay
jason.bennion: Please do not touch the Hulk.
jason.bennion: With Erica and Anne Serling, the granddaughter and daughter of Rod Serling, respectively.
jason.bennion: Azog statue at the Weta Workshop booth.
jason.bennion: Sharknado!
jason.bennion: These are dark times...
jason.bennion: Welcome to the Monkey House!
jason.bennion: Comic Book Guy and Otto at Salt Lake Comic Con.
jason.bennion: An excellent Nightcrawler cosplay.
jason.bennion: Ghouls from the Fear Factory.
jason.bennion: Adrian Paul Q&A
jason.bennion: Adrian Paul Q&A
jason.bennion: Adrian Paul Q&A
jason.bennion: Adrian Paul Q&A
jason.bennion: Adrian Paul Q&A
jason.bennion: Adrian Paul Q&A