jason.bennion: My friend Mike getting the lay of the land.
jason.bennion: Mike takes a walk.
jason.bennion: Mike Gillilan, photographer
jason.bennion: Mike Gillilan, photographer
jason.bennion: Mike Gillilan, photographer
jason.bennion: Now that's a lens!
jason.bennion: Before the race...
jason.bennion: Number 52.
jason.bennion: Dashing fellow is... dashing.
jason.bennion: Before the race...
jason.bennion: Pushing it back.
jason.bennion: Team mascot?
jason.bennion: Rubbernecking
jason.bennion: Parting the waters
jason.bennion: Wonder what he's thinking?
jason.bennion: Helmets
jason.bennion: Tattoos and grit
jason.bennion: How I spent the race...
jason.bennion: Media center, 11 PM.
jason.bennion: Mike shooting some paddock action
jason.bennion: Overnight in the paddock
jason.bennion: Mike strikes up a conversation in the paddock
jason.bennion: Getting the shot!
jason.bennion: The next morning... still running
jason.bennion: Out in the boonies
jason.bennion: Race cars and RVs