jason.bennion: The basement as I knew it for 40 years.
jason.bennion: Opening the door into The Dirt Room.
jason.bennion: The south wall of The Dirt Room.
jason.bennion: Spooky Dirt Room.
jason.bennion: Dirt Room with flash.
jason.bennion: Dirt conveyor.
jason.bennion: Dad opens the window into the Dirt Room.
jason.bennion: A man, a conveyor belt, and a dump truck.
jason.bennion: Me, starting to dig.
jason.bennion: Anne swings a mean pick-ax.
jason.bennion: Dad digging out the Dirt Room.
jason.bennion: The Dirt Room with the conveyor belt running out the window.
jason.bennion: Digging is thirsty work.
jason.bennion: Anne tries out the jack-hammer.
jason.bennion: Looking north, jacks in place.
jason.bennion: Slightly different angle, showing the basement interior wall.
jason.bennion: Real treasure
jason.bennion: The wall's down!
jason.bennion: Looking south, with the jacks in place.
jason.bennion: Jacks and rebar.
jason.bennion: Dad inspecting the rebar.
jason.bennion: The cement's here!
jason.bennion: Shoveling cement down the chute.
jason.bennion: Standing with my wheelbarrow of cement.
jason.bennion: Cement forms in place.
jason.bennion: Pins from the cement forms.
jason.bennion: Dad with his cement forms.
jason.bennion: Me and Dad with the cement forms.
jason.bennion: Cement forms with bracing.