r_bowley: Reflections in the fog
r_bowley: Broken platform, foggy swamp
r_bowley: Horror House
r_bowley: Alarm!
r_bowley: A Sea of Looms and Bobbins
r_bowley: As far as the eye can see... (B&W)
r_bowley: As far as the eye can see...
r_bowley: Vanishing Looms
r_bowley: Teeth?
r_bowley: Silent Spinner
r_bowley: Bobbins and Bokeh (B&W)
r_bowley: Bobbins and Bokeh
r_bowley: Looms and Bobbins
r_bowley: Looking down the line
r_bowley: Silk Stars
r_bowley: Repair Kit
r_bowley: Tacked to the Wall
r_bowley: Stair Shadows
r_bowley: Up the stairs
r_bowley: First Floor
r_bowley: Factory Floor
r_bowley: Pressure Chamber
r_bowley: Missing Bobbins
r_bowley: Unfinished Work
r_bowley: Silent Spools
r_bowley: A littie bit of home.
r_bowley: The Final Product…or Raw Material?
r_bowley: Boxes of Bobbins
r_bowley: Machine 35
r_bowley: Counterclockwise to Open