~Robb: Great Gray Owl
~Robb: American Pelican
~Robb: Nesting
~Robb: Soaring
~Robb: Mute Swan, Sooke BC
~Robb: I gotta Sing!
~Robb: S-Curve
~Robb: Passing By
~Robb: Green Sheen
~Robb: Red Breasted Nuthatch
~Robb: I see you!
~Robb: You!..Get back in the group!
~Robb: The Little Ones
~Robb: Baby
~Robb: Together
~Robb: Avocet
~Robb: Springtime Chickadee
~Robb: Partners for Life
~Robb: Burrowing Owl
~Robb: Burrowing Owl & Flower
~Robb: Great Horned Owl
~Robb: Glider
~Robb: Evening Song
~Robb: White Breasted Nuthatch
~Robb: Yellow-Rumped Warbler "Myrtle Warbler"
~Robb: Robin's Nest
~Robb: Northern Flicker
~Robb: Sandhill Crane
~Robb: Mountain Bluebird (Male)
~Robb: Mountain Bluebird (Female)