redazadi: Tower Hill train station
redazadi: Island Gardens Tube stop...last on Zone 2
redazadi: To tunnel under the Thames (free)
redazadi: Island Garden park across from Greenwic
redazadi: Snack shop on north side of Thames
redazadi: DSCN4832.JPG
redazadi: Greenwich
redazadi: Greenwich
redazadi: For Greenwich
redazadi: Fast rowers, slow photographer
redazadi: Greenwich
redazadi: Rather daunting entry
redazadi: Under the Thames at Greenwich
redazadi: Not leaking as far as I can feel
redazadi: Under the Thames
redazadi: To and fro at the Observatory hill gates
redazadi: Thameside
redazadi: Walking up Greenwich hill
redazadi: Greenwich Mean Time
redazadi: Dick reaches his objective
redazadi: A perfect English day
redazadi: Gardens and grass for those downhill
redazadi: London in distance from Greenwich Hill
redazadi: Waiting for the '84 bus'
redazadi: Vietnamese Restaurant Greenwich
redazadi: Greenwich market
redazadi: Greenwich 2nd hand clothing
redazadi: Flakes readily available in the UK
redazadi: Greenwich The Gipsy Moth
redazadi: Cutty Sark under restoration