GrahamAndDairne: View up the Solent at start of Cowes Week
GrahamAndDairne: Dawn at MarchwoodYC
GrahamAndDairne: Keyhaven at High Tide
GrahamAndDairne: View from the flybridge
GrahamAndDairne: High spring tide
GrahamAndDairne: High spring tide
GrahamAndDairne: The entrance at high water
GrahamAndDairne: Colquhoun's Cut
GrahamAndDairne: Looking across to Hurst Castle
GrahamAndDairne: Looking across the Solent to Yarmouth
GrahamAndDairne: KeyhavenPanoramaA
GrahamAndDairne: Saturday morning in Colquhoun's cut
GrahamAndDairne: Saturday evening sunset
GrahamAndDairne: Friday evening in Keyhaven
GrahamAndDairne: Glorious sunset
GrahamAndDairne: Gulls roosting on the saltings
GrahamAndDairne: Low tide in Keyhaven
GrahamAndDairne: The green buoys are on the Spit!
GrahamAndDairne: The green buoys are on the Spit!
GrahamAndDairne: The green buoys are on the Spit!
GrahamAndDairne: Breakfast time!
GrahamAndDairne: View from the morring toward the village and yacht clubs
GrahamAndDairne: Some of the local fleet.
GrahamAndDairne: Drying off after a morinings fishing
GrahamAndDairne: The moorings on Colqhounh's cut
GrahamAndDairne: Dairne enjoying the sun
GrahamAndDairne: This pretty boat was the owner of the mooring that we had first picked up
GrahamAndDairne: Glimpses of the Needles are visible
GrahamAndDairne: August weekend in Keyhaven. The green bouys marking the main chnnel dry at low water springs. You have been warned!
GrahamAndDairne: Partying on the beach in the warm sun