Tim R-T-C: 158817 arriving into Steeton
Tim R-T-C: 144005 departing Woodlesford
Tim R-T-C: 158843 passes Woodlesford
Tim R-T-C: 66518 on a Southampton to Leeds working
Tim R-T-C: 158901 with a Leeds to Nottingham service
Tim R-T-C: 144006 on a Leeds to Sheffield stopper
Tim R-T-C: 153351 departing Leeds for Manchester Victoria
Tim R-T-C: Former GWR 153373 with 380 arriving into Leeds
Tim R-T-C: GWR liveried 153373 at Leeds
Tim R-T-C: 322481 arrives Leeds from Doncaster
Tim R-T-C: 153380 departing Leeds for Preston
Tim R-T-C: Newly arrived Northern 170478
Tim R-T-C: 333011 departing Leeds for Skipton
Tim R-T-C: 153305 "Casper" arriving into Leeds
Tim R-T-C: 221133 departs Leeds for Glasgow
Tim R-T-C: Northern "Fearless" vynled 158850 at Leeds
Tim R-T-C: 91118 powers an LNER working to Kings Cross
Tim R-T-C: Northern 142020 departing Leeds
Tim R-T-C: 144015 arrives into Leeds from Goole
Tim R-T-C: 185118 on a Liverpool to Newcastle working
Tim R-T-C: 153344 on a Manchester to Selby working
Tim R-T-C: 150121 in unbraded FGW colours at Leeds
Tim R-T-C: 333015 arrives into Leeds from Skipton
Tim R-T-C: 221140 with a New St to Edinburgh service
Tim R-T-C: 144003 on 5A05 Knottingley to Neville Hill
Tim R-T-C: 43366 arriving into Leeds
Tim R-T-C: 43285 led by 366 at Leeds for Plymouth
Tim R-T-C: 142020 at Sheffield
Tim R-T-C: 144021 arriving into Sheffield from Huddersfield
Tim R-T-C: 142050 departing Sheffield for Hull