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Barnetby 04/08/14 by Tim R-T-C
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Tim R-T-C
66047 and 142 in Scunthorpe Trent Yard
Tim R-T-C
60062 in Scunthorpe Trent Yard
Tim R-T-C
Semaphore signals at Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
66118 on a Milford to Immingham empties
Tim R-T-C
185125 departing Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
66081 with a Drax to Immingham empties run
Tim R-T-C
60044 with an iron ore service at Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
66044 with a train of Iron Ore empties
Tim R-T-C
185102 arriving into Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
66018 passes Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
153357 departs Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
66561 on a Ferrybridge PS run
Tim R-T-C
185108 working to Cleethorpes
Tim R-T-C
66118 passing Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
66118 working 6H15 through Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
153374 working Newark to Grimsby
Tim R-T-C
60044 passes Barnetby with iron ore wagons
Tim R-T-C
66044 heading for Santon on 6T23
Tim R-T-C
GBRf 66721 in LUL colours at Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
66125 rounds Barnetby East box
Tim R-T-C
66750 heading to Immingham
Tim R-T-C
SB Rail tamper 928001 at Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
153357 heading for Grimsby
Tim R-T-C
185135 passes Barnetby for Cleethorpes
Tim R-T-C
A pair of TPE 170s pass through Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
66018 through Barnetby on a coal train
Tim R-T-C
66124 heading for Immingham
Tim R-T-C
The Preston to Lindsey tanks pass Barnetby
Tim R-T-C
185125 heading for Cleethorpes
Tim R-T-C
66132 with a train of empties from Cottam PS
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